Tuesday, July 26, 2011


An old standby for my family dinners the Hawaiian Haystack is a versatile meal.  Not traditionally thought of as 'food storage' this family favorite is easy to convert to food storage ready items.  Not quite a recipe, it's more a list of ingredients that you pile together on your plate depending on your current taste and desires.  The amounts listed are for starters to help you along.  These amounts work for feeding 6-8 people.  Items without amounts usually come in a can, just open it and you may have leftovers depending on how much your family likes of each item.

Chow Mein Noodles (the crunchy ones)
Rice (2 c. dry)
Pineapple, tidbits
Mandarin Oranges
Chilli's, diced
Olives, sliced
Onions, diced
Shredded Cheese**
Meat (1/2 pt)
Gravy (1 1/2 c.) to match meat
Sweet and Sour Sauce

** Cheese is the only item that is not readily food storage compatible.  I urge you to investigate the different options to include cheese in your food storage or just plan on omitting it from this recipe.

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